Suppliers, Designers and Installers of Solar PV systems, Batteries and EV chargers.


We offer a full start-to-finish service for quality domestic Solar PV installations. Fully in-house and no sub-contracting, we can design, supply and install a bespoke system specific to your needs and property. Accredited installers for major brands such as Solar Edge and MyEnergi and of course MCS and RECC certified.

Maybe you need a battery added, a repair carried out or to increase the size of an existing system? We can help with all this – just get in touch.

Solar PV

Generate free electricity from light that falls on your property even in cloudy weather.  Solar PV has come a long way and is arguably the cheapest way to consume electricity. Make your own power to save money, help the planet and get energy security.

Solar Batteries

Solar Batteries help you use more of the energy you generate meaning less buying from the Grid. We can retrofit batteries to existing Solar PV installations or supply with a new PV system.

Energy Control + EVCs

Manage your home energy to supply an Electric Vehicle or immersion heater with EV chargers and energy diverters. All controlled using an app. We fit both EV chargers and home energy management systems.


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Meet the team

Jody Kingzett

Jody is a qualified electrician and director of Kingzett & Lowman.  Jody has been involved with Solar PV and renewables for over 20 years and recently started doing installations. He works on all aspects of the business.

Huf Lowman

Huf is a qualified electrician and director of Kingzett & Lowman. He has been working in Solar PV installation for over 13 years and has a real depth of technical knowledge and know-how. Huf is the technical lead and also works on other aspects of the business.


How much does a domestic Solar PV system cost?

Solar PV systems costs vary depending on the size, spec and complexity of install, but a good way to think about it is the equavilance to a new kitchen. Rough ball park figure for an small-ish average system would be £7000.

How much does a domestic Solar PV system cost?

Solar PV systems costs vary depending on the size, spec and complexity of install, but a good way to think about it is the equavilance to a new kitchen. Rough ball park figure for an small-ish average system would be £7000.

How does Solar PV work?

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How long does it take to install?

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